Thursday, July 14, 2016

City Ordinance regarding finding an animal

You must report the find to Animal Control for collection.

The City of Mount Pleasant routinely finds that someone has found a cat or dog but fails to report for collection or deliver the animal to the Animal Shelter.

City ordinance requires that if you find an animal you must report the find so the animal can be collected by us or delivered to the shelter, evaluated, scanned for a microchip and hopefully returned to an owner.

If an owner is not located, the animal is put up for adoption after 72 hours.


(A) If any animal shall be found to be at-large upon the premises of any person, other than the owner or harborer of such animal, that person shall have the right to confine animal in a humane manner until an Animal Control Officer or police officer can be notified.

(B) Any citizen of the City of Mount Pleasant is hereby authorized to take control of and deliver to the office of the Animal Services any animal that may be found running at large within the territorial limits of the City, other than prohibited animals or animals suspected of being rabid, subject to the applicable provisions of law.

(C) A person commits an offense if he takes control of an animal under this Section and fails to deliver it to an Animal Services employee within seventy-two (72) hours.

This law helps owners find their lost pets. It also prevents animal thieves from claiming they found the animal.

Those who find an animal who are fearful that the animal may be put down don't need to worry. If the animal is not claimed or adopted you have the option to either adopt the animal or foster it in your home until an adoption occurs. Fostering is easy and simple. We do it all the time.

If you foster a cat or dog you take on the responsibility of caring for the animal as if it is your own pet. Animal Services will continue to attempt to find a permanent home for the animal during this time. The animal still belongs to the City but your loving care can help the animal find a permanent family and home.

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