Friday, February 9, 2018

Ready for anything

At Titus Regional EMS, paramedics have to be ready for anything. That involves a lot of training and practice. 
Thursday they held a training simulation preparing the team to respond to a gunshot victim located in a stairway. Titus paramedics along with a paramedic and EMT student from Northeast Texas Community College were tasked with managing this simulated patient with multiple gunshot wounds.
In addition to rehearsing the difficult task of moving the patient down a narrow staircase, the team practiced treating the patient by performing two needle decompressions, applied a tourniquet, and administered the drug Tranexamic Acid (TXA) through IV lines. 
Simulating and practicing these procedures and the use of the drug TXA, which helps victims stop bleeding in situations like the one they trained on today, is a critical part of their program so that they are always ready to serve the community with the best possible care.

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