Thursday, September 7, 2017

Rosemary Is Amazing!

By David Wall
Guest Columnist

Now is the time to begin planting fall herbs, and one of those should be rosemary.  This amazing herb is one of those unheralded but spectacular herbs that help our lives.   From relieving headaches, arthritic pains, muscle pains, and indigestion, it also supports our circulatory, digestive and nervous systems.  It can even stimulate hair growth, although it's a wee bit too late for me!

Hospitals, before the days of total air conditioning, used to boil rosemary, because its aroma helped patients feel better.  You can buy aerosol cans of it to refresh rooms in your home.  Oh yes, perhaps its greatest attribute is to improve memory, something us older folks would greatly appreciate! Rosemary's aroma in your vegetable garden deters insects.

Rosemary also works great as a landscaping herb.  It has a distinctive gray-green color, and is a hardy perennial.  Winters don't seem to slow it down, and if untrimmed, will grow to several feet tall and wide!  It also does very well in containers.

Dried rosemary improves the taste of food and when dried, stores well in jars.  Put some in your tea for pain relief.  You can dry a layer of leaves (paper towel over and under) in less than two minutes in your microwave (dry for one minute & then at 15 second intervals). One of rosemary's components helps protect brain damage such as caused from a stroke.  This same component helps prevent breast cancer.

 You'll find rosemary oils in several sin and hair products and well as creams and soaps.  While still debatable, testing indicates the oils may reduce skin aging!  You can buy plants, but it's so easy to grow as long as it has enough water .  Simply cut off a sprig and put in good soil!  Like Sara Lee, nobody doesn't like rosemary!

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