Friday, September 8, 2017

Depot destruction is the basis for ghost story

 "The historical society chairwoman began to cry as a bulldozer crashed through the front doors of the derelict train station. 

"Security guards were stationed along the perimeter of the property to keep bystanders and the media at a distance. A television reporter stuck a microphone in the chairwoman's face. 

"I can't believe they're doing this," she said. "It's terrible." 

"Behind yellow tape the man coordinating the demolition smiled at them across the parking lot with the fake affability he'd cultivated over the years from assassinating historic but inconvenient buildings for corporate owners..."

North Carolina-based Crosstime Publishing recently released an anthology of horror and ghost stories entitled "Bewitched, Betwixt and Between".

It includes the short story "The Last Run of the Piney Woods Express" by Lou Antonelli, based on the demolition of the Mount Pleasant railroad depot in 2013.

Copies are available by using the PayPal donate button over on the right hand side of the page. Please indicate in the memo with the transaction you'd like a copy of the book.

Find out what happens when you demolish an old historic structure and don't take into consideration the ghosts who may have been inside!

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