Monday, March 2, 2020


The choice is clear – Denise Reichert for County Commissioner

For someone with such a long record of public service, it’s surprising that Denise Reichert has not been called upon to serve in public office before. But this year she is running to represent her precinct at the county courthouse, and no one is more qualified to do so.

It would be silly to let such a storehouse of knowledge and experience such as Reichert possess go to waste. She also provides a vision and attitude that supplements the old boy commissioners already in place.

John Fitch, Dana Applewhite and Jimmy Parker have much in common, in terms of experience, attitude and background. Titus County needs someone with a different perspective, and it’s not just because Reichert is a woman.

If you read her resume and life story, you see she has participated in so much and done so many things that it’s obvious she stands head and shoulders above her opponents in qualifications.
Al Riddle has done an outstanding job since he was elected in 2012 in being the gadfly the commissioners’ court needs. He reads the budget carefully and has been willing to ask questions when everyone else is willing to sit back and enjoy “business as usual”.

Democracy doesn’t work unless its representatives look out for its participants. There’s always a tendency in small towns for people to shut up and go along because they don’t want to make waves.
There’s a difference between being a responsible public servant and making waves, but a lot of people in small towns can’t tell the difference. There’s no use having a government at all when everyone acts, thinks and does the same. It’s almost like the uniformity of Communism.

Denise Reichert has her own mind and she will represent the people in Precinct 1 very well. This opportunity to have the citizens of Titus County should not go to waste, and we think that, at least in this particular case, the choice of the best candidate is clear.

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