Friday, January 24, 2020

Signal to change to all-way stop near airport on US 271 frontage road

The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) will soon be changing the signal light to an all-way stop at the intersection of the northbound US 271 frontage road and FM 3417/Mike Hall Parkway near the Mount Pleasant Airport.

The intersection no longer meets warrants for a signalized traffic control device.

“Following the completion of the overpass of US 271 at FM 3417, we performed a traffic warrant analysis in accordance with TMUTCD guidelines at the intersections on both sides of the interchange,” said Rebecca Wells, Director of Transportation Operations for TxDOT in Atlanta.  “It was determined that while traffic volumes on the west side of the interchange still warranted a signal, traffic volumes on the east side no longer meets warrants. It was decided to change the signal to an all-way stop with the signal flashing red on that side of the interchange.”

TxDOT will install stop ahead and stop signs on all three approaches on the northbound US 271 frontage road.  “Signal Under Study for Removal” signs will also be installed on each of the three mast arms to make the public aware of the change of operation.  At this point, the signal will be put in all-way flashing red mode.

“After 90 days, we will evaluate the data, and if we confirm operations are adequate with the all-way stop, we will remove the study signs.  We will leave the mast arms in place for an extended period of time, in flash mode, to see if there is future development at the airport or industrial park area,” Wells said.

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