
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wellness Wednesday from TRMC

We’ve all heard the old adage “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and with that in mind we want to share a few helpful tips on preventing the flu:

Get vaccinated. The CDC states that the most important thing everyone over the age of 6 months can do to protect themselves and their loved ones against the flu and the sometimes fatal complications is to get their yearly immunization. The flu vaccine is manufactured to guard against those strains that have been determined to be the most prevalent for this season, and there are many strains. Some are designed to provide protection against three, or four different strains, called trivalent and quadrivalent vaccines. The three strain vaccine protects against H3N2, H1N1, and a B Virus and the quadrivalent vaccines add another B virus protection. If you do get the flu after you have been vaccinated, there is strong evidence that your illness may be milder than if you had not been vaccinated. 

Create a Germ Barrier: Keep disinfecting wipes with you to wipe down surfaces you will make contact with such as your shopping cart, the table at a restaurant, shared work surfaces, doorknobs, and the handles of faucets and toilets. Wash your hands frequently, and/or use hand sanitizer; you may also apply a good moisturizing lotion to protect your skin from cracking. Remember to avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose if you do touch surfaces where the flu virus may be hanging out and can’t wash, or sanitize your hands right away. It is never a good idea to share utensils, glasses, or plates at any time, but especially during flu season.

Stop Smoking: You already know that smoking increases your risk for cancer, and the chances of developing early wrinkles, but did you know it also increases your risk for catching the flu? There is strong evidence that smokers get the flu more often, infections for smokers are worse, and smoking even creates an increased risk of the flu being fatal. 

Take Time for You: Boosting your immune system is a good way to give your body the ability to fight off, not only the flu, but other germs. You can boost your immune system by making sure you get plenty of sleep, at least 7 to 9 hours a night, eating a balanced diet, and getting at least 4 days of exercise. 

Next week we will be back with the signs and symptoms of flu to help you and your family stay well during #fluseason

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