Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Titus County Sheriff’s Office Seeking Information Regarding Stolen Trailers

Sometime between Tuesday Evening, July 17th, and Daylight on the morning of July 18th, 2018, someone used a vehicle to push through the gate at Longhorn Trailer Sales, located on the 1700 Block of the I-30 North Frontage Road, west of Mount Pleasant.
While there they stole two horse trailers. Authorities are not releasing the direction of travel at this time. The two trailers were new and without license plates at the time of the theft.
One trailer is a Sundowner brand, three horse trailer with tandem axles. It is painted in a champagne color near the front and along the windows with the remainder of the trailer being bright aluminum. It has three tinted windows along the sides and aluminum wheels as seen in the photograph. It also has the words “SUPER SPORT” on the sides and toward the front portion of the trailer.
The other trailer is a Sundowner brand, two horse trailer with tandem axles. It is painted in a champagne color on the front and along the side with two tinted windows. The trailer has bright aluminum wheels with the words “Super Sport” on the sides near the front.
If anyone has any information on this theft or observed any vehicles towing these trailers, they are asked to call (903) 572-6641 and asks to speak with Investigator Wayne Minor or, if unavailable, any deputy.
Persons wishing to remain anonymous may call the Northeast Texas Area Crime Stoppers at (903) 577-8477 with information.

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