Tuesday, February 13, 2018

MPHS Choir performs at Texas A&M basketball game

MPHS Choir Director Luke Dean became aware of an opportunity to perform at Texas A&M University through MPHS Counselor Dawn Trickey. He borrowed a video camera from and taped the Chorale singing the National Anthem, sent it to A&M and they were chosen to perform!
They left Thursday, February 8th and stopped at Stephen F. Austin State University for a quick campus tour and to sit in on their Women’s Choir rehearsal. From there, they traveled to College Station. They arrived at Reed Arena early for soundcheck, and then had time for supper. The game was televised on the SEC network so everything was timed and scheduled. There, under the jumbotron, they sang the National Anthem. Afterwards they stayed and watched the game as the Aggie girls defeated Ole Miss, 83-54.
Friday, on their return trip, they stopped at Baylor University and watched their A Cappella Choir rehearsal. Christina Kessler, a former MPHS choir member, is a part of this choir. After that rehearsal they returned to Mt. Pleasant, arriving about 36 hours after they left, traveling over 600 miles and visiting 3 university campuses.
This trip could not have happened without the help of Dawn Trickey, John Whitten, and the MPISD Board of Trustees.
Congratulations MPHS Choir!

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