Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Hospice Memorial Service

This past Sunday Cypress Basin Hospice held its 2017 Mount Pleasant Memorial Service at First Baptist Church. The annual memorial service is a beautiful time where Hospice staff and families get to celebrate the life and legacy of their loved ones. 
This particular memorial service were attended by caregivers and families of patients that passed in 2017 under Cypress Basin Hospice’s care. Scripture was read, songs of comfort were sung, and candles were lit in memory of those loved ones. 
Each individual patient’s name was read by a member of the Cypress Basin Hospice care team accompanied with the ringing of bells to symbolize that patient’s name being called on the roll in Heaven.
Mark Davenport, Cypress Basin Hospice Bereavement Coordinator, provided a beautiful message of healing through love and community to our families in attendance.
“We have a responsibility to each other. Jesus modeled how to love and heal people and bring them back into community. Don’t ever think that we can’t do what Jesus did. Community has the ability to make us well even when we still have our disease. We may not be able to cure the disease that lives in people, but we can heal them by never leaving them to their own and always embracing them in a community of love and acceptance. It is our calling to help people be well.”
Cypress Basin Hospice would like to thank Diamond C Trailers for sponsoring our fellowship time for the Mount Pleasant service.

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