Saturday, February 10, 2018

Cary seeks District Clerk position

Hello, My name is Sharyn Cary. I am one of three republican candidates running for District Clerk in Titus County. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself.

In 1978 I joined the Army as a Finance Specialist. Shortly before I retired from the Army I. decided I wanted to continue in public service, so I put myself through the night police academy.  Shortly after I retired in 1998 from the Army I was hired by the Gatesville Police Department. 

In 2005 I was offered a job at the Mt. Pleasant Police Department so I moved here to Titus County.  In March of 2016 I retired from law enforcement and went to work as a Court Security Officer at the Federal Courthouse in Texarkana where I am still currently employed.

I believe I am qualified to be the District Clerk in Titus County because I have knowledge and understanding of criminal and civil law. 

During my time with the Mt. Pleasant Police Department I had the opportunity to work with the District offices and the County offices. During my careers in the Army and law enforcement I worked with budgets and supervised multiple personnel.

I am dedicated and put my whole heart into all the jobs I do. I have worked in public service most of my life and would like to continue by becoming the next District Clerk in Titus County. 

I promise the citizens of Titus County that I will work hard every day and give 100 % in everything I do. If I am elected, I will leave my current position prior to taking office so I can spend time in the District Clerks office learning as much as I can prior to the transition with the current District Clerk.

At this time, I would like to ask for your support and I would appreciate your vote.Early voting begins on February 20th and the Primary is on March 6th.Thanks you for your time and I would appreciate your vote.

Sharyn Cary

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