Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Omaha rips off water customer

Nancy Hightower-Leflett's water meter according to the City of Omaha utilities department

From Nancy Hightower-Leflett:

"I called last week to be placed on agenda of Omaha city council to speak on the fact that my water bill has been so high for the past years. We did a test ourselves on it and it showed that when we used two gallons it showed on the meter we used six gallons.

"When I told them this I looked out my window and they were replacing my meter. I asked for the meter to be preserved. I had my water bill audited. I just pay the bills and trust people. I had no idea I have paid $17,692.00 since 2005.

"One bill was $763.69 in 2015. My mother does the paperwork for me and she just assumed we used it for the swimming pool. Lol. My sweet Momma didn't know there is no water attached to our pool and we don't put any water in it. I feel most certain they owe me a refund.

"Why was I so special that I got to use more water than all of Omaha put together? Why wasn't someone wondering what was going on. Not until I threw a major fit over the $985.89 water bill in August did they call the time to say my water bill was $945.43 in the middle of the month of October?

"In July I paid $452.00 but the bill shows $429.81. What is going on in that water dept office? I hate to say this but I think something is going on and needs to be investigated.

"I have been screaming and begging them to look into this but only till I asked to be placed on agenda did they replace my meter. They knew the meter was messed up and they chose to leave it as it was. Why would they change it? Someone was making money off me. This is not over. Trust me..."

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