Monday, November 13, 2017

Mt. Pleasant High School NHS Holds Induction Ceremony

Eleven seniors and 51 juniors were inducted into the Mount Pleasant High School Chapter of the National Honor Society during a special ceremony October 24. The 62 new members join the 29 senior members of the chapter.

To be inducted into NHS, a student must have earned a weighted cumulative GPA of 5.40 and must meet certain service standards, as well as character standards, as exemplified in behavior and personal conduct both on and off campus. The NHS inducts students who meet the criteria in their junior or senior year are inducted during the fall semester.

NHS members are involved in community and campus level service projects through out the school year.

Officers of the MPHS Chapter are President Austin Cheatham, Vice President Nathon Segovia, Secretary Samantha Gonzales, Treasurer Abby Sneed, Parliamentarian Orlando Olivares and Historian Rachel Sharp. MPHS faculty sponsor is English teacher David Clark.

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