Thursday, November 9, 2017

MPHS Art Students' Ornament to Hang in Texas House Chamber

Each year, Texas House Members are invited to select a constituent to imagine and create a visual representation of what makes their Texas House District special. These artistic endeavors- in the form of an ornament- will decorate a majestic 23-foot, Texas-grown Christmas tree that will stand in the House Chamber of the Texas Capitol during the holiday season.
Now in its ninth year, the district ornament project has proven to be a fun and educational experience for the Capitol's thousands of holiday visitors, who enjoy seeing artists' depictions of what makes communities throughout Texas unique. This year, the tree will be on display from November 29th through January 2nd.
Detailed photographs and ornament descriptions are compiled into an annual ornament album that can be viewed either in the House Chamber, while the tree is on display, or year-round on the House website. To see more about this project, visit

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