Thursday, October 26, 2017

Surprised to see measles making a comeback in the US?

Increased rates of unvaccinated adults and children are allowing diseases that were almost non-existent to propagate and increase in incidence. The measles vaccine has been very effective in preventing a disease which in the past resulted in nearly 50,000 hospitalizations and 500 deaths yearly in the US. 

Former British physician (he lost his license) Andrew Wakefield caused untold harm in 1998 when he published a fraudulent study linking the MMR vaccine to autism based on only twelve patients. This has been revoked, and more importantly, refuted in dozens of studies since which have looked at massive populations of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, comparing autism rates. But the damage has been done, and the misinformation spread on the internet causes confusion for many well-meaning parents.

My advice? VACCINATE…against measles and the many other diseases that we are fortunate to be able to prevent. And if you have questions, ask your physician, not your friends or the internet!

Learn More:

See Dr. DeLisi at the Family Care Center in Mt. Pleasant -

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