
Sunday, October 8, 2017

Oct. 8 to 14 is National Fire Prevention Week

In a fire, every second counts. Seconds can mean the difference between a safe escape and a tragic loss of life.

Oct. 8 to 14 is National Fire Prevention Week and the Mount Pleasant Fire Department urges all citizens to make a fire safety plan to protect their property and their loved ones.

This year's national Fire Safety Week theme is "Every Second Counts - Plan Two Ways Out.

Dining the month of October. the Mt. Pleasant Fire department visits eight  campuses in the city and county with over 2.800 students from Kindergarten to 4th grade.

Over the years. the fire department has presented a fire program to all the schools from a puppet show to a safety home trailer. Changing the theme and the stage props keeps the kids interested with getting the same message across. The Mt. Pleasant Fire Department has progressively improved its prevention program yearly for the safety of the citizens of the city and county.

Follow these tips from the National Fire Protection Association:

• Together with all members of your household, draw a map of your home on graph paper. marking two exits from each room and a path to the outside from each exit.

• Practice your home fire drill twice a year: conduct one at night and one during the day with everyone in your home and practice using different ways out.

• Teach children how to escape on their own in case you cannot help them.

• Make sure your house address number is clearly marked and easy for the fire department to find.

• In case of fire, close doors behind you as you leave - this may slow the spread of smoke, heat. and fire.

• Once you go outside, stay outside. Never go back into a burning building.

For any additional information. please call Mt Pleasant Fire Department, 903-575-4144.

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