Friday, September 15, 2017

The Media Comes Unhinged

Mount Pleasant For Real Editorial

One thing Donald Trump's election as president did was expose and make clear to everyone that almost all the major media outlets in the United States are little more than propaganda bureaus for the Liberal Establishment and the corrupt Democratic Party.

This is no accident. Many years ago, when the major media was almost exclusively newspapers, the media was considered solidly patriotic and Republican. But after World War II there was a concerted and powerful effort to get political liberals into positions to influence the media.

This was driven by two factors. First, the Soviet Union planned to win the Cold War by subverting the U.S. to the point where, as it was stated, the nation would fall into their hands "like an over ripe fruit." To accomplish this, Soviet collaborators were installed in influential positions to insure a left-wing bias in the news.

America went from whipping Germany and winning World War II to losing a pissant war in Vietnam - a crapped up little Third World country - and leaving with its tail between its legs. And the media played a major role in dishing up all that negative news coverage that contributed to defeatism.

Secondly, there was a concerted drive by the Democratic Party, right after World War II, to retain its control of the federal government by also having friendly media hacks infiltrate the news outlets. This really accelerated when the Democrats lost control of Congress in the 1946 elections.

A generation later, this process of the prostitution of the media accelerated after the Vietnam War was lost - thereby satisfying the Soviet goal of infiltration - and Richard Nixon resigned in the Watergate Scandal - thereby satisfying the Democratic Party's goal.

By the mid to late '70s, only liberals and left-wingers were being hired at the major media outlets.

Ronald Reagan's election in 1980 drove the Establishment nuts, but Reagan was able to talk past the haters and he succeeded in accomplishing his goal of ending the Cold War by having the Soviet Union economically implode.

George H.W. Bush did not have Reagan's skill in talking past the hostile media, and he was run out of office by the Clinton Mafia.

Talk about media darlings.

By the time Clinton was done wasting two terms in office - isn't it neat there are term limits on the president, don't you wish everyone else had term limits? - and was replaced by George W. Bush, the media bias was worse than ever.

The mainstream media insulted and mocked Bush constantly. Being a well-adjusted Texan, he just considered the source and chuckled at the assholes.

Obama came in as the ultimate Teachers Pet and darling of the media, who couldn't work hard enough to cover  for his Communist ideology and grab for executive power. He grew up in a crapped out Third World country, and he had ambitions to become just another tin horn Third World dictator.

Two terms and he has to leave. And the American people had enough and overwhelmingly elected Donald Trump as president.

The media reaction to Trump made American realize what they had suspected all along - the media and crucial segments of the American Establishment are left-wing and atheistic.

We know now to ignore the major media outlets. It's just amazing they haven't openly called for some kind of bullshit Banana Republic coup.

The U.S. Constitution needs to be amended so that the freedom of speech protections of the First Amendment only apply to "natural born persons" - real people, not corporations (which are considered "people" under legal precedent).

Then the media outlets that are tearing down our president and our nation will not have the freedom to blatantly lie and libel our president for their own left-wing political ideology.

Yes, none of us believe them anymore. They all came out of the Communist Closet in the wake of Trump's presidential effort.

But still, so many months after the election,which gave Trump a historic mandate (forget all this baloney about Clinton getting more votes, if you take away all the ballot stuffing in the inner cities the Democrats wouldn't get half the votes they claim), aren't we all tired of this effort to thwart the will of the people as peacefully expressed at the ballot box?

Let your elected officials know what you think.

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