Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Muskrat takes office Tuesday night

Danny Muskrat
The next Regular Session of the Mount Pleasant City Council will be held at 6:00 PM in the Council Chamber of the City Hall located at 501 North Madison. The agenda is a follows:

1. Call to Order

2. Consider Approval of Minutes of the May 2, 2017 Regular Session.

3. Presentation to Outgoing Council member.

4. Canvass of May 6, 2017 General Election Results.

5. Oath of Office for the Mayor and Council Members of Place 1 and Place 2.

6. Consider Election of Mayor Pro-Tem.

7. Consider a Proposed Modification to Tax Abatement Approved on October 6, 2015 and Amended on March 14, 2016 for Priefert Manufacturing/PMCI Properties

8. Consider Approval of Project to Provide Sewer to Newly Annexed Arca North of 1-30.

9 Public Comment.

10 City Manager's Report


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