Friday, March 17, 2017

New marshal at Country Club

Effective April 1st the Mt. Pleasant Country Club will go back to using the wristbands for everyone using the tennis / basketball courts or pool. Please check in at the pro shop or with Roy Stinson after pro shop hours.

Any non-member will be subject to the $10 recreation fee to be paid prior to use of any court or the pool. If your child has a guest that does not check in, after being reminded, you will be charged the recreation fee.

They will also have a new marshal on the course, Ricky Logan. He is currently a member and will be around to introduce himself as they get into the swing of things. He will help check coolers, green fee receipts, unauthorized cart traffic, as well as wristbands.

He will help us be more consistent with our rules and help remind everyone what is expected around the club and on the course

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