Wednesday, March 22, 2017

MPHS Student Qualifies for TAFE National Competition

This is the second year that Mora has qualified to compete at the Future Educators National Competition
Mount Pleasant High School Senior Jennifer Mora earned Second Place in Lesson Plan and Delivery - Humanities competition at the annual Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) Teach Tomorrow Summit held at the University of Arlington February 16-19. She has qualified to compete at the National Conference in Phoenix, Arizona in June where she will compete against over 100 competitors from across the United States.

This is the second year that Mora, the daughter of Victor and Maria Mora, has qualified to compete at the Future Educators National Competition.

MPHS took five students to the TAFE State Convention. Seniors Angelica Marino and Rosie Gonzalez received Blue Ribbons for their unique Bulletin Board. Senior Dalia Calixto received a ribbon in Teacher Created materials. Junior Nancy Ibarra competed in public speaking. In addition to Lesson Plan and Delivery – Humanities, Mora also competed in Teacher Created materials and earned a ribbon in that competition.

“I could not be prouder of these ladies,” said TAFE sponsor Aimee Sweeden. “This was the only the second time MPHS history that we had TAFE students compete at the state level. To have one of our own again advance to Nationals is fantastic. I am so proud of MPHS TAFE and the students that are pursuing a career in education!”

Pictured are: TAFE Group (l-r): Dalia Calixto, Rosie Gonzalez, Nancy Ibarra, Angelica Marino, Jennifer Mora

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