County Auditor Carl Johnson explains his attempts to make up for the $166,000 invoice in Precinct 2, as Commissioners Al Riddle and Mike Fields listen. |
Titus County Commissioners at their most recent meeting approved transferring $75,000 from the county's current road and bridge fund to cover a shortfall in Precinct 2.
County Auditor Carl Johnson told the court at its Dec. 12 meeting he had received an unexpected invoice from Drake Construction for $166,000 for road construction work done for Precinct 2.
He said the invoice would empty the precinct's budget, and even with a number of transfers he was $75,000 short of paying the invoice for the county.
He said he believed any such large expenditures needed to be brought before the court for approval, but that hadn't been done, and in fact the work was contracted with no purchase order.
County Judge Brian Lee prefaced the 45-minute discussion by telling fellow commissioners "We have a situation that needs your consideration, and decision."
The current 2016-2017 fiscal years started Oct. 1 and includes a million dollar line item for overall road and bridge expenditures. Lee said Fields apparently thought he would be able to draw from that fund, which is to cover work in all four precincts.
Precinct 2 Commissioner Mike Fields said "Once we got in the fiscal year I wanted to make these repairs, we had a lot of water damage."
He said his precinct "did all the base work in the summer, so we could do the seal work in the future."
He said he contracted Drake to finish the roads "before it got cold and we wouldn't be able to work for at least three months."
Lee said Fields "was under the impression he could money from that million dollars."
Fields apologized to the court for making the unauthorized expenditure. "I thought it was OK, but it was not," he said. "It's for the best in the long run, but I apologize. I'm asking you to help me with is."
Field had opposed the Unit System Referendum in the Nov. 8 election. Precinct I Commissioner Al Riddle, who supported the referendum, said Fields spent the money before the election "to sabotage the Road Engineer system."
He said years ago when the Road Engineer system was implemented in Upshur County, the same thing happened: Commissioners in Gilmer who opposed the Unit System emptied their budgets before it took effect.
He pointed out that at the court's first meeting after the election, it passed a resolution he proposed that there should be no changes in regular operations until the Road Engineer takes over.
"It passed unanimously, we all agreed to that," he said.
Lee noted there was no explicit prohibition of taking on any new projects.
"I disagree that it was a deliberate attempt at sabotage, although I agreed it appears it was an improper decision," he said.
"The work was done in October (before the referendum was passed)," he said, "I agreed it doesn't go along with the spirit of our decision."
"I'm sorry it happened," said Fields. "My intent was good."
"It's morally wrong," said Riddle. "The Road Engineer comes in with no money. It's unbelievable he spent his whole budget. I'm discouraged and disgusted."
"I don't imagine anyone is happy with this," said Lee. "But I don't think it was an attempt to sabotage the Road Engineer."
Riddle said himself or any other commissioner could go ahead and spent at least as much money as Fields did if they wanted to.
Lee said the court needed to deal with the invoice, "This is not the vendors' fault. What do you propose?"
Riddle said he felt Fields should pay $75,000 himself. Johnson said at this point the money would have to come out of Fields' salary.
Precinct 3 Commissioner Phillip Hinton said he had the same impression as Fields, that he could have committed money from the million dollar fund if he wanted, but he didn't have the need.
He said he didn't want to lay people off or shut down Precinct 2, and made a motion that the court approve transferring the $75,000 to cover the short in the Precinct 2 budget.
He added as part of his motion that the future Road Engineer be made aware of the money that has already been spent in Precinct 2 for this fiscal year.
Lee seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
He then said to Fields, "We all beat up on you pretty good. We all make mistakes."
Riddle pointed out he voted "Aye" on the motion. "Still, the public in Titus County needs to know we do stuff like this."
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