Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The hot days of summer are upon us

Let's Talk Animal Cruelty: What does Texas consider cruel treatment of animals?

• Animal torture
• Killing, poisoning or injuring an animal
• Not providing food, adequate shelter, water, and care to any animals while they are in your custody
• Abandoning an animal for any reason
• Confining, restraining or transporting an animal in a inhumane way
• Forcing or encouraging an animal to fight another animal
• Overworking an animal

Pets in Motor Vehicles: You may not leave your pet in a vehicle where the animal is in danger due to high or low temperatures or lack of sufficient ventilation. Cracking the window is not sufficient in providing proper ventilation to prevent heat distress.

If a pet is found in a vehicle and it is looks to be in distress, law enforcement will remove the animal from the vehicle and we will seize it. Animal cruelty is against State law.

It’s summer time. Don’t leave your pet in a vehicle unattended.

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