Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Vote today and finish the job!

Today, Tuesday, concludes the 2016 Republican primary with a runoff vote to decide the nominees for county commissioner in precincts one and three.

Incumbent Al Riddle in precinct one and Dana Applewhite in precinct three were way ahead in the original March 1 primary, but didn't quite get that 50 percent plus one vote majority. We need to finish the job today and give them the nomination; this decides the election, there are no Democrats on the ballot come November.

Riddle has proven himself a reliable fiscal conservative since being elected in 2012. He's always asked questions and been diligent in representing the downtrodden taxpayers in the face of an ongoing complacent bureaucracy that keeps raising taxes and spending money.

Applewhite, like Riddle, is a good Republican who will also get in there and battle the bureaucracy.

They both deserve our support today to win election and our prayers in the future as they serve the citizens of Titus County.

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