Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Golf carts are vehicles, too!

The Mount Pleasant Police Department notes that when operating a golf-cart on a public roadway:

• Persons who operate a golf cart must hold a valid Texas Drivers’ License. Children 16 years or younger are allowed to drive a cart ONLY if they have a DRIVERS LEARNING PERMIT and are accompanied by a licensed passenger of proper age.

• Knowingly permitting a person to operate a golf-cart on a public roadway without a valid driver’s license is an offense. Parents can also receive a citation if they allow unlicensed children to drive a golf-cart.

• Open containers of alcohol are NOT permitted on golf carts on public roadways.

• You must follow all Texas traffic laws as golf-carts are considered moving vehicles. This includes stop signs, yield signs, traffic lights, pedestrians, stopped school buses, and DWI/DUI laws apply.

The Mount Pleasant Police Department will respond to complaints of illegal operation of golf-carts on public roadways and take enforcement actions where and when appropriate.

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