Friday, March 11, 2016

Where Trump gets his support

Ah, yes. Donald Trump seems to be on his way to the Republican Presidential nomination - somewhat neither foreseen nor anticipated only a few months ago.

What has driven his startling rise in the delegate count?

Trump didn't carry Texas in the March 1st primary, and he also lost in Titus County. Native son Ted Cruz did both - Cruz led Trump here at home 1,890 to 1,339. But Trump is doing phenomenally well among Republicans around the rest of the country.

Trump is not a conservative - he's a populist. His appeal lies with the common man, the average Republican voter. It's interesting to note that Bernie Sanders - who is the mirror image of Trump in the Democratic Party - has faltered badly to Hillary Clinton, while Trump is leading the Republican race.

The reason for Trump's success is simpler than it appears. The Democrats have held the White House now for two terms under President Barack Obama. In effect, they've had their populist demagogue in office for years now. They're content, and contemptuous of the common man; they have the whip hand. With a slight twist from King Louis VI, "It's good to be the Commissar".

The average Republican voter has been disrespected and insulted for years now, and he/she is out for blood. They want revenge over reasonableness. In light of how much the establishment is stacked against the common man - with all the bureaucrats, ballot stuffers and media hacks firmly in the Democratic Party's pockets - some people seem to have come feel the Republicans will never win the White House again. Like dissidents in any other crapped up Third World country, they feel the best they can do is raise a ruckus and cause trouble. And Trump seems to be doing that.

You may wonder what is the art that accompanies this editorial? It's from a cartoon about some comic-book type superheroes who get an unlikely recruit. One morning she wakes up with super powers and ends up joining the crime fighters. The gag is her unlikely background - she was a prostitute.

She's crude and lewd, and has trouble fitting in. The first time she flies out to do battle, she sidles up to the Superman-type character and, inquiring about their plans, bluntly states:

"OK, the plan is to F***-Up the bad guys, right?"

You can see from the shot above what his startled reaction is.

The Republican man-in-the-street is sick of politicians who want or ask us to compromise, understand, respect and/or tolerate the bad guys any more. In fact, most of the base of the modern Democratic Party denies there are any good or bad guys any more - and a heck of a lot of Republicans.

The Republican voter knows in his heart this "it's all good" and "there's no right or wrong" is baloney being promulgated by the bad guys who are in the wrong. Unfortunately, they're running the country right now.

It's not much of a program for governing or a platform to run on, but so long as people feel that Trump is the man to "F***-Up the bad guys," he will continue to rack up the votes.

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