Thursday, December 10, 2015

A holiday tale

Our very own Christmas story happened this week. I got a call from a lady who told me she took something from my restaurant over 13 years ago when she was young and has been feeling bad about it all this time. She wanted to make restitution.

She said that she and some friends came to eat at the restaurant and despite the fact that she was underage her friends bought her a drink. After drinking it she thought it would be a fun idea to take some sombreros off the wall and walk out with them. She did and has regretted it ever since.

She asked if I was in the restaurant and when I said I was, she asked if she could come see me . She came in and was very apologetic and handed me a cashiers check that more than covered the cost of the sombreros. I told her it was not necessary - that We were all young once and did stupid things. But, she insisted I take the check so she would be able to rest easy again.

It just shows you that There are good people in this world and she certainly made my day. It wasn't the check. It was the thought that someone would go to such lengths after so many years to make restitution for something I didn't even remember happening!

Now if the person who stole the sun artwork off my back wall would return it all would be forgiven !
Merry Christmas everyone! -

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