Saturday, December 12, 2015

Donations needed!

Donations are needed to help cover some of the costs for transporting Mount Pleasant Animal Shelter pets to rescues, and to help cover vet costs for the health certificates needed for these babies to cross state lines.

Titus County Shelter Friends use the donations they get to pay these costs and without supporters like you they can't meet these needs. Please support TCSF by making financial donations to their cause! It takes a whole community to care for the thrown away and homeless pets left waiting for a new chance at life in the the shelter.

Let's step up and give these babies the chance they deserve!

Please go to the TCSF Facebook page to give your financial help to these sweet helpless babies! Or you can drop your donation off at the shelter, just specify that your donation is for TCSF. You can also mail your donation to:

P O Box 1772
Mt Pleasant, TX 75456

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