Sunday, April 19, 2020

Mount Pleasant Fire Fighters Celebrate Local Kids with a Fire Truck Drive-By

Mount Pleasant Fire Department now offering fire truck drive-bys to help as department schedules and duties allow. Photo credit: Lyndee Rodgers.

The Mount Pleasant Fire Department wants to help celebrate your child's birthday or special occasion with a fire truck drive-by! Fire fighters will drive by with lights flashing and sirens a-singing to make it a red letter day, even though you can’t have a party.
"Our guys miss being around the public, especially all the kids who typically visit the fire stations," said Lyndee Rodgers, Administrative Assistant to Chief Larry McRae. "Getting to see all the smiling faces on a drive-by makes them happy, and hopefully, makes it a happy day for our citizens as well."

Fire truck drive-by requests are scheduled on weekdays and weekends around typical department duties. Drive-by locations need to be within Mount Pleasant city limits, and will be limited to a manageable amount on a first-come, first-served basis each day. 

Please contact Lyndee during normal business hours (M-F, 8a.m. –5 p.m.) at 903-575-4144 or at least 48 hours in advance of the date you would to schedule a drive-by.

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