Sunday, April 22, 2018

Meet Emma!

Emma is a former #GED student in the NTCC Adult Education Program. She attended classes at one of their branch GED locations and just recently received her GED diploma. She plans to participate in GED graduation on May 10. 

Emma’s motivation for getting her GED came from wanting to progress in her education, but a sudden illness struck and delayed her progress. “I got really sick right before I was going to take my GED tests. I was in the hospital for about a week and was recovering at home for nearly a month. It took a lot of will power to retake the GED classes and finally finish.”

Emma credits her mother for encouragement along her educational journey. “My role model is my mom. She has a master's in Human Resources (with honors) and completed it with 3 small children at home. Plus, she has her GED.” When Emma needs extra motivation, she remembers the quote she got from her mother, “She may be small, but she is mighty.” Emma states, “Besides physical height, it helps remind me that individual people can make a difference in the world.”

Emma was recently accepted to Northeast Texas Community College and plans to attend classes in Fall 2018 to work on her Associates degree. Afterwards, she plans to transfer to a university to become a veterinarian.

Emma shares some great words of advice and encouragement for current students. “JUST DO IT! Even if you fail, even if you think you'll never be able to pass, just get it out of the way. Try and keep trying until you succeed, and you are guaranteed to excel.”

Congratulations, Emma, on obtaining your GED and staying committed to pursuing your educational goal. You are a testimony that a setback is setup for an even greater comeback. We wish you much success as you continue to pursue your educational and career goals.
For more information about NTCC Adult Education classes and services, please contact our central office at 903.434.8234 or 903.434.8341 (Spanish).

Stay tuned for the next Adult Education Face of Success! We’re #FOCUSED on you!

*Student permission was given to post story and photo. 

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