Sunday, June 4, 2017

Hefner discusses budget vote

Dear Fellow Texans,

On Saturday night I voted yes on the final 2018/2019 Texas State Budget. This was a decision I made after much consideration and thought as it a priority to me that your tax dollars are used properly.

While the budget is not everything I would like it to be, it is still a good budget. It includes important funding for alternatives to abortion, education, border security, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (CPS), and defunds Planned Parenthood affiliates. It is one of the most pro-life budgets our state has ever adopted, and it keeps state spending below population plus inflation. Unfortunately, it also contains funding for corporate welfare, subsidies for private industries, and underfunds important priorities such as transportation.

However, I am optimistic that our state's economy will continue to grow and be successful as we move forward.

For Texas,

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