
Friday, June 9, 2017

County Commissioners meet Monday

A Regular Meeting of the Commissioners’ Court of Titus County, Texas, will be held on the 12th day of June, 2017 at 9:00 o’clock a.m., in the Titus County Courthouse, County Courtroom, 100 West First Street, Room 205, Mt. Pleasant, Texas 75455, at which time the following subjects will be discussed not necessarily in the order presented:


1. Public Comments and/or Requests for Information on Non-Agenda Items in Accordance With Section 551.042, Texas Open Meetings Act

2. Consider and Possibly Approve Minutes from May 8, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Commissioners’ Court

3. Consider and Possibly Approve Minutes from May 15, 2017 Special Meeting of the Commissioners’ Court

4. Consider and Possibly Approve Minutes from May 22, 2017 Special Meeting of the Commissioners’ Court

5. Consider and Possibly Approve Minutes from May 30, 2017 Workshop Meeting With the County Road Engineer

6. Consider and Possibly Approve a 40 MPH Speed Limit  on CR 1240 From CR 1220 to CR 1140 (Roger Ledbetter)

7. Consider and Possibly Approve Purchase of an Asphalt Maintenance Distributor Trailer Through the BuyBoard (Roger Ledbetter)

8. Consider and Possibly Approve Leasing and/ or Renting the following items:  Vibratory Soil Compactor; 2000 Gallon Water Truck (Roger Ledbetter)

9. Consider and Possibly Approve Purchase of Haul Truck (Commissioner Riddle)

10. Open and Review Bids and Possibly Approve for Asphalt Sand:  Cold Mix, Hot Mix, and Limestone Rock Asphalt

11. Open and Review Bids and Possibly Approve for Concrete Culverts With Reinforced Steel Wire, All Diameters

12. Open and Review Bids and Possibly Approve for Steel Culverts 16 Gauge Galvanized Steel, 2.66 x ½ Spiral, Lock Seam Construction

13. Open and Review Bids and Possibly Approve for Plastic Culverts, All Diameters

14. Open and Review Bids and Possibly Approve for Seal Coat Aggregate TY B GR 4

15. Open and Review Bids and Possibly Approve for Type A Flexbase Ash

16. Open and Review Bids and Possibly Approve for Flexible Base

17. Open and Review Bids and Possibly Approve for Fuel (Gasoline and Diesel)

18. Open and Review Bids and Possibly Approve for Complete Lawn Maintenance Contract

19. Consider and Possibly Approve Hardware Replacement With NetProtec Related to NET Data Server to Comply With DPS and FBI Security Requirements

20. Consider and Possibly Approve Agreement Between the Office of the Attorney General and Titus County (Debra Abston)

21. Consider and Possibly Approve a Proposed Modification to Tax Abatement Approved on October 6, 2015 and Amended on March 14, 2016 for Priefert Manufacturing/PMCI Properties II

22. Consider and Possibly Approve a Proposed Modification to Tax Abatement Approved on November 17, 2015 for Priefert Manufacturing/PMCI Properties II

23. Consider and Possibly Approve Contracting With Suddenlink to Provide Telephone, Long Distance and Internet Services

24. Consider and Possibly Approve a Bond for Woody Hughes, Reserve Deputy Constable, Pct. 1

25. Consider and Possibly Approve Placement of Marker for K9 Officer Nitro Next to First Responders Memorial

26. Consider and Possibly Approve Use of Sheriff’s Vehicle for Temporary Traffic Control

27. Consider and Possibly Approve an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Titus County Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2017; Appointing a Pricing Officer and Delegating to the Pricing Officer the Authority to Approve the Sale of the Bonds; Establishing Certain Parameters for the Approval of Such Matters; Approving an Escrow Agreement and Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; Levying an Annual Ad Valorem Tax for the Payment of the Bonds; and Enacting Other Provisions Relating to the Subject

28. Consider and Possibly Take Action on a Proposal From Print Works Regarding the Lease of the Witt Building at the Northwest Corner of the Annex Next to Adult Probation

29. Consider and Possibly Approve Travel and Seminars for Titus County Employees and Elected Officials

30. Approve Oral and Written Reports of County Officials

31. Consider and Possibly Approve Treasurer’s Report

32. Approve Budget Amendments

33. Sign Pay Orders and Approve Payments

34. Closing Comments by County Judge and Commissioners, if any


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