Friday, May 5, 2017

Titus County Special Olympics Held April 27th

Titus County Shared Services Association held their annual Track and Field Special Olympics Thursday, April 27 at MPISD’s Sam Parker Field on a sunshine filled day, so unlike last year when inclement weather forced the event indoors.

Seven area school districts and two adult facilities sent close to 300 athletes to the event. Eighteen campuses and facilities participated in events including the softball toss and numerous races. Volunteers from the school districts were involved plus numerous parents and other family members were on hand to cheer the athletes on to success. Leo the Lion from the Mt. Pleasant Lion’s Club also attended to cheer on the athletes.

The event starts with the parade of athletes and the Special Olympics Motto: “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”

For the special athletes at Annie Sims Elementary School, the event started before they even got to the field with a send-off by all students and staff on the campus.

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