Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Memorial proposed for fallen K-9 officer

Officer Nitro
Titus County Historical Commission Chairman Steve Austin has submitted a request to Commissioners Court to consider allowing a memorial marker to be placed next to the First Responders Memorial on the courthouse grounds honoring Winfield K-9 Officer "Nitro".

Officer Nitro was killed in the line of duty on July 10, 2009 as he worked a traffic stop on I-30 at the 154 eastbound mile marker with Sgt. Charlie Walker at approximately 2:20 a.m., when he was struck and killed by a truck.

Nitro was two and a half years old and had been working with Walker for more than a year.

Funds for the memorial have already been secured along with the donation from Fitch Memorials/Martus Stone, according to Austin. If approved, the dedication is tentatively scheduled for 10:00 a.m. July 10, 2017 at the East entrance of the Titus County Courthouse, location of the First Responders Memorial.

The Winfield Police Department is in the process of closing and will not be in existence by the time the marker is dedicated, according to Austin.

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