Friday, May 12, 2017

Annie Sims Students raise $7200 for American Heart Association

Coach Ballard “goes green”!
This year Annie Sims Elementary School set a goal to raise $7200 for the American Heart Association. With help from the Annie Sims students, the campus surpassed that. As of May 2, $7328 had been raised.

The top contribution of $1205 came from 2nd grader Charity Prater. She got to present PE teacher Jerry Ballard with the beetle he promised to eat if they met the goal.

Reward for reaching their goal of $7200 resulted in both principals and Coach Ballard getting blasted with silly string by the top contributors of each grade level. Coach Ballard also conceded to eating a beetle as promised.

A little extra surprise came when Aiden Lane, Cruz Gutierrez, and Dax Price helped spray paint Coach Ballard’s hair green.

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