
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Mount Pleasant headline news

Top front page headlines in the latest issue of The Mount Pleasant Mirror:

TxDOT begins work on Hwy. 49 south of city

Council tables final payment for new sports complex

Bid awarded for repair of town lake spillway and bridge

The Mount Pleasant Business Corner includes the following fine businesses:

Cannaday Financial Services

Dan McCauley, DDS

Redfearn Real Estate

Talco Propane

Mason Hardware

Gary’s Gun and Pawn

Lion's Head Crossfit

Counselor Joseph Hayes

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Titus County residents ask, 'Where's our Vaccine?'



Titus County and North East Texas are getting shortchanged in the distribution of the Covid 19 vaccines. Data from the Texas Department of State Health Services website show that as of last Thursday February 24th, while 3.2 million (14.3%) Texans 16 and older, have received at least one shot of Covid Vaccine, Titus County only had 2,027 residents (8.3%) who had had received their first dose. If we were at the State average another 1,500 Titus County residents would have been vaccinated by now.

Titus County is not alone in being ignored by the Texas DSHS. Cass County is the lowest in the state with only 1,078 (4.5%) of residents getting their first shot and Bowie not much better at 5,013 (6.8%).

Morris and Upshur Counties are also below Titus at 7.5% and 7.8% respectively.

Hopkins (9.3%) , Camp (9.8%) and Franklin (10.9%) are doing a bit better but still way below the state average.

The Texas DSHS has designated various cisites as vaccination hubs and these clearly show up in the numbers with Gregg (Longview), Smith (Tyler) and Lamar (Paris) all being at are slightly above the state average. Titus County Judge Brian Lee tried to get Mount Pleasant designated as a hub but was rebuffed by the people down in Austin.

DSHS records the persons county of residence when getting the shot, regardless of which location the  person goes to get the shot.

The Titus County Mirror is reaching out to our local State Represnetative Cole Hefner and State Senator Bryan Hughes to see what they can do to help us get our fair share of the vaccine.

 If you want to add your voice to this please contact:

 Cole Hefner     tel.  512-463-0271 or 903-717-8238 Email cole@colehefner.com

 Bryan Hughes  tel  512-463-0101 or 903-581-1776  Email Bryan.hughes@senate.texas.gov

Friday, February 19, 2021

Latest updates from the City of Mount Pleasant


The City of Mount Pleasant Water System is operational, and there are no plans to shut off service. Mount Pleasant customers are not under a boil notice. Utility workers have been working around the clock to ensure service during this extreme weather.


The Civic Center is open again today as a Warming Center and will continue to be available as long as needed during this severe weather. If anyone needs access to the Civic Center for shelter after working hours, please first call the dispatch number at 903-575-4004 for assistance.



The City's Water Department and Municipal Court are closed until Monday 02/22. The City will not disconnect water for non-payment during this closure. Court tickets and utility bills can still be paid online.


Due to the dangerous road conditions this week, trash collection for City of Mount Pleasant customers was suspended. The normal residential collection schedules of Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday will resume next week, beginning Monday, February 22. There will be a commercial collection tomorrow, Saturday, February 20.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Commissioners meet Monday morning

Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Commissioners’ Court of Titus County, Texas, will be held on the 25th day of January 2021 at 9:00 o’clock a.m., in the Titus County Courthouse, County Courtroom, 100 West First Street, Room 205, Mt. Pleasant, Texas 75455, at which time the following subjects will be discussed not necessarily in the order presented:



Public Comments and/or Requests for Information on Non-Agenda Items in Accordance With Section 551.042, Texas Open Meetings Act

Consider and Possibly Approve Minutes from January 11th, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Commissioners’ Court

Report From Commissioners Regarding Road Work Status

Consider and Possibly Approve a pay increase for Poll Workers (Pam Holmes, Elections Administrator)

Discuss Professional Services Agreement for Licensed Court Interpreter Services with possible action (John Fitch)

Consider and Possibly Approve a policy related to the payment of CDL license fees and physicals (Tabled 1-11-21)

Discuss letter from Charlotte Spears regarding her property located at 106 S. Jefferson with possible action


Discuss formation of a committee to finalize Volunteer Fire Department Contract with possible action

Consider and Possibly Approve the donation of a 2008 Ford Crown Victoria to Morris County

Consider and Possibly nominate a candidate for consideration to fill a vacancy on the Titus County Appraisal District Board of Directors

Approve Oral and Written Reports of County Officials

Consider and Possibly Approve Treasurer’s Report

Approve Budget Amendments

Sign Pay Orders and Approve Payments

Meeting with TxDOT and H.W. Lochner to discuss FM 1735 Project

Closing Comments by County Judge and Commissioners, if any

Friday, October 9, 2020

Early voting starts next week

With early in-person starting next week, I've started to place ads in newspapers. I believe in newspaper advertising, obviously; I own one.

This ad is running in the Greenville Herald-Banner this weekend and in the Rains County Leader (Emory) on Tuesday. The Texarkana Gazette is having its election edition on Oct. 24 and I've committed to an ad with them also.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Pilgrim’s CEO out in wake of price-fixing scandal


Food Dive

Pilgrim's Pride has permanently replaced Jayson Penn as CEO and president. Penn, who is currently facing price-fixing charges, is no longer with the company, according to a company news release last week.

The Board of Directors appointed Fabio Sandri as president and CEO, effective immediately. Sandri, who was previously CFO at Pilgrim's, has been serving in the interim CEO role since Penn took a paid leave of absence in June.

Four top executives at Pilgrim’s Pride and Claxton Poultry Farms were indicted in June for conspiracy to fix prices for chickens sold to grocers and restaurants from 2012 to 2017. Penn pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Pilgrim's Pride is trying to move past the price-fixing investigation that has plagued its operations by permanently replacing the leadership associated with the charges.

A federal grand jury in Colorado indicted Penn and former Pilgrim’s Vice President Roger Austin three months ago, along with executives at Claxton. If convicted, those four executives face a statutory maximum penalty of ten years in prison and up to a $1 million fine.

Shortly after the indictment was announced, Penn began a paid leave of absence "to focus on his defense." Austin's LinkedIn currently lists him as retired/consultant.

These indictments were the first charges in the DOJ's ongoing antitrust investigation into the chicken industry, which was publicly disclosed last year when the DOJ intervened in a lawsuit filed in 2016 that accused chicken companies - including Pilgrim's, Perdue Farms, Tyson Foods and Sanderson Farms - of colluding to inflate prices.

After the indictment of Pilgrim’s and Claxton, Tyson said it was cooperating with the DOJ's price-fixing investigation under the antitrust division's Corporate Leniency Program.

Pilgrim's choice to promote someone internally to lead instead of going through an extensive outside search could help the company pivot away from the scandal faster. Sandri started at Pilgrim's as CFO in June 2011 and was appointed interim president and CEO on June 15.

Before Pilgrim's, Sandri was the CFO of Estacio Participações, a private educational institution in Brazil, and former corporate controller of Braskem S.A., a petrochemical company in Brazil. The company has started the search process to find a new CFO to replace Sandri.

Penn's tenure at the helm of Pilgrim's didn't last long. He was appointed CEO last year to succeed Bill Lovette, who retired after eight years leading the company. Penn originally joined Pilgrim's in 2011 and has served as senior vice president of the commercial business group, executive vice president of sales and operations, and president of Pilgrim's USA during his tenure.

Pilgrim's, which is majority owned by JBS USA, makes up about 17% of the U.S. chicken market and produces about 13 billion pounds of poultry each year. For years, the chicken industry has faced price-fixing allegations.

Poultry companies have faced multiple similar lawsuits, as well as an investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the scrapping of the Georgia Dock price index.

Across the food industry, antitrust investigations have escalated in recent years as the DOJ has cracked down with higher sentences and bigger fines. After an investigation into the tuna industry, former Bumble Bee Foods CEO Chris Lischewski was sentenced to 40 months in prison and given a $100,000 fine after being convicted of price-fixing.

Scott Wagner, a partner at Bilzin Sumberg, previously said he suspects there will be more to see out of this chicken investigation going forward, including people agreeing to plead guilty. Pilgrim's is likely trying to distance itself from any sentencing or guilty pleas by implementing new leadership now.

"These indictments are the beginning, not the end, of what we're going to see in the chicken industry," Wagner said.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

City Council Meetings Re-Open to the Public

Mount Pleasant, TX, September 11, 2020…City Council meetings will re-open to the public beginning with the Regularly Scheduled Meeting on Tuesday, September 15, 6:30 p.m. at the Mount Pleasant Civic Center. 

Attendance capacity will be limited to the first 60 people to arrive in order to ensure social-distanced seating. Attendees will be required to wear masks and have their temperature taken prior to entering the Civic Center. 

The City Council meetings will also continue to be broadcast and instructions on how to dial in or join will be included on posted agendas, which can be found at www.mpcity.net.

The free COVID-19 testing that is being offered at the Civic Center Mondays – Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. will close early on Tuesday, September 15 at 2 p.m. to provide the City time to fully sanitize the facility prior to the City Council meeting.